The Oregon Coast - a truly awesome place |
I read the most delightful article in O Magazine ealier this week, all about the science of awe. It put in words something I've long believed. Being in nature, and allowing the universe to take my breath away, gives me a sense of my place in the world, and makes me a better person for it. Nature makes me human and compassionate and more likely to strive to do better. Awe does this. Being knocked breathless by the enormity and beauty of it all inspires us, in the truest sense of the word, to truly contribute.
I've long believed that going out into nature centers me. And our culture is full of mountaintop myths, stories and fables - Jesus fasting on the mountain, the wise old hermit in the mountains, the benefit of meditating alone in nature. It turns out these beliefs are fully supported by science. It does not surprise me to learn that being alone with nature for a time makes you more loving and kind to everyone around you when you descend from the mountain top. Centering yourself by being totally blown away is good for you. And for that, I am truly grateful.
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