Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Lucy - Gratitude on day 14

I spent part of this morning having my vet confirm something I already know.  My sweet Lucy has a tumor growing in the area around her eye.  This is in addition to whatever is making her periodically incontinent and of course, her old lady lab hips.  She's 14.  She's also my baby. 
She's a total lab. She looks like a stuffed animal, but I've never doubted for a minute that she would attack anyone who threatened a member of our family. She has slept in my room, frequently in the bed, nearly every night for the past 14 years.  She's too old to get on the bed now (and, um, way too stinky) but she still sleeps on the floor by my side.  If she's in the house, she's within a foot or two of me at all times. She's my girl.
She's also The Boy's girls.  He loves our dogs and he's always got a kind word and a gentle pat for Miss Lucy, and she appreciates it.  Both the kids, as babies, have had some lovely moments of sharing a snack while pre-verbal with the lovely little Lucy. She was that dog, who would wait patiently, tongue around fingers, no teeth in sight, until tiny little hands finally released the cheerio to the loving companion with a giggle. Man, that's a moment I love.  The gentle dog sharing a snack with the generous baby, the baby who won't share with anyone BUT the dog.
I'm really not sure how long she's got.  She gave me a scare about 2 years ago when she really started to earn the nickname "Juicy Lucy" but she's still going strong.  She eats, she plays, and she gives the two younger dogs hell.  She's the ultimate alpha bitch, and also our cuddly companion.  I love her, and I am thankful for having spent a lifetime with her.

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